Worldwide Paper supply shortages and delays

Worldwide Paper supply shortages and delays

The World is experiencing a paper shortage and delay.

The Pandemic has led to shortages of all sorts of paper supplies, from toilet paper, to book making paper. Paper supplies ranging from paper cups and bags have been effected

Now it has hit the Art making world.

Certain products that do get made take a while to reach their destinations because truck deliveries are still slow. In some cases, it only takes one piece of paper to create a bottleneck.

While paper books can be replaced with Kindle books, Artists and Print makers must await the ” real thing”.

We all await the end of the pandemic and the effect it has had on our supplies around the globe.

At Takach Paper International, we strive to get your orders to you and pride ourselves in our speed and professionalism.We look forward to serving our customers in 2022 and to the end of the supply crisis.

Happy holidays, stay safe!

Takach Paper International


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-SPECIAL Mix and Match any paper in stock. 100 sheets Bulk pricing 50 sheets to 10 sheets.

- Arnhem 1618 SALE! White or Warm White 245 grams Size 22x30 package price (100) $2.40 package (50) $2.80 10-49 Sheet price $2.90

- Domestic Etching Color Off White 175 grams Size 26x40 package price (100) $2.90 Package price (59) $3.15 10-49 sheet price $3.45
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